Our Mission. Our Story.

The Mission
We desire to EMPOWER people through offering a fun, simple, and safe platform, that allows YOU to save money by trading items you no longer need, and services you can perform, for other’s items and services.
TradeMade enables you to finally ‘do something’ to influence positive environmental change. By trading, you reduce your carbon footprint and help prevent usable goods from entering landfills. With TradeMade, you are empowered as an environmental advocate!
We desire to EDUCATE individuals on the negative environmental implications of purchasing goods new, and provide an alternative means to get the items and services one wants. A means defined by fun, mindful, and wallet-friendly consumption.
In placing a ‘carbon badge’ on each item, we offer tangible metrics on how you may mitigate your carbon footprint. We want to change the relationship between people’s everyday consumption choices and subsequent carbon footprint, which play a significant role in global climate change.
We desire to INSPIRE people to build trade and barter communities.
TradeMade helps you to get to know your neighbors and people in your community, and cultivates a more connected, gratifying way to interact and get the things you want.
We desire to TRANSFORM the current ‘throwaway’ and ‘buy new’ culture into a self-sustaining community-culture, whereby people are not only connected with the ‘haves’ and ‘wants’ of those around them, but also with tangible ways to create environmental betterment.
We hope to generate a large-scale behavioral change in the way our culture consumes material goods, and impart a resource saving ethic that builds on the vitality of the ‘Sharing Economy’.
The Carbon Goal

A real story of how a guy traded one paperclip for a home.
Let this be your goal. #LifeGoals
trade and barter app.
trade and barter app. trade and barter app. trade and barter app. trade and barter app. trade and barter app. trade and barter app. trade and barter app.